Hall of Famer Ronnie Lott Shares Wisdom From His Playbook on Life Lessons

Just in time for football, THINKaha releases #SPORTS tweet, a motivational business book that will empower the champion in everyone.

CUPERTINO, CA (PRWEB) September 8, 2010 — Inspiration and life lessons from coaches have helped to shape the life of Hall of Fame football champion Ronnie Lott.  He is an inspiration both on and off the field, from his multiple Super Bowl rings and ten Pro-Bowl appearances to his tireless commitment to making life better for children at risk.  Empowered by what he learned from coaches about life and sports, Ronnie’s new book, #SPORTS tweet, is a compilation of those “aha” moments of life and how to use these experiences to shape one’s destiny.

Designed to be a fast and accessible read, each one of the 140 character bite-sized quotes in this playbook focuses on learning from adversity and success, drawing from Ronnie’s journey through childhood, playing football both in college at USC and in the NFL, and achieving success in business and in life as a husband and father.

“This book will bring out the best in you if you give each simple aha moment a chance to sink in. We believe that these nuggets of truth and inspiration will empower the reader to reach for achieving excellence in their lives, whatever their passion is,” says Ronnie Lott.

“A kid has to dream.  Even if dreams don’t come true, we’re all better off for dreaming,” write Mr. Lott and co-author Keith Potter in this motivational book. “If you don’t stare adversity down, it’ll take you down.”

Advance praise for #SPORTS tweet comes from a who’s who in the sports world, including fellow Hall of Famer Marcus Allen, NBA Point Guard Baron Davis, and Super Bowl XXXV MVP Ray Lewis. “This book of sports tweets is very inspirational, great reading, and very credible coming from a proven Hall of Famer like Ronnie Lott,” says Daniel M. Snyder, owner of the Washington Redskins.  The foreword is written by Sean Payton, the head coach of the Super Bowl Champion New Orleans Saints.

“Ronnie has created the ultimate playbook for lessons learned in life. #SPORTS tweet is a work of excellence and a great addition to our THINKaha Series.  These authors define leadership and passion with the wisdom they share in each section,” states Mitchell Levy, Author and CEO of THINKaha. “In today’s fast-paced, Internet-connected world, readers want an alternative to the book that takes 15 days or more to read. THINKaha is that alternative, allowing the reader to reread and grab new concepts from the book, every month in 15 minutes.”

About the Authors:


Ronnie Lott

The name Ronnie Lott screams toughness and excellence. As a ten-time Pro Bowl selection and a first-ballot Hall of Famer, Ronnie is one of the most respected figures in professional sports. Add his four Super Bowl rings with the San Francisco 49ers to what was arguably his best season, leading the NFL in interceptions with the Oakland Raiders, and you’ve heard only part of the story.  Off the field, Lott is known as a tireless advocate for children. His nonprofit, All Stars Helping Kids, has raised millions of dollars to improve the lives of at-risk young people. Even more, Ronnie is a coach and catalyst for other athletes who have a heart for making their communities a better place.

Keith Potter

Keith Potter is an author, faith-coach, and inspirational speaker committed to empowering champions, rejuvenating marriages, and revitalizing organizations. After leading and launching nonprofit enterprises for twenty-five years, Potter understands the passions, principles, and priorities that mobilize people for both goodness and greatness. As the creative force behind the nonprofit The Champion Project, Keith Potter coaches leadership teams and emerging leaders internationally. He is the consummate teacher, catalyst, and friend to influencers in numerous fields.


About THINKaha:

THINKaha, an imprint of Happy About®, is a leader in timely, cutting-edge books and mobile applications from relevant experts that provide valuable information in a fun, Twitter-brief format for a fast-paced world.  Every book in the THINKaha series is a slim, hand volume, about 100 pages in length, which consists of 140 quotes of timely, practical advice or wisdom. Presented in tweet format, each “aha” is 140 characters or less. These bite-sized words of wisdom span a number of subjects and interests.  Titles include: #COACHING tweet, #TEAMWORK tweet, #LEADERSHIP tweet, #MOJO tweet, and more.  For more information, go to https://www.thinkaha.com. Corporations interested in exploring publishing a book series should contact the associate publisher, Janae Pierre at janae.pierre@happyabout.info or via phone at +1 408-921-1568.

Press Copies:
A free copy of the book is available to the press upon request. Please send an e-mail to presscopy@happyabout.info


Sharyn Fitzpatrick, @themarcomguru
Phone: +1 650-814-5835
E-Mail: sharyn.fitzpatrick@happyabout.info

Purchase a copy of #SPORTS tweet on THINKaha, Amazon, or other selected retailers.


TITLE: #SPORTS tweet Book01
SUBTITLE: What I learned from Coaches about Sports and Life
AUTHOR:  Ronnie Lott with Keith Potter

DATE OF PUBLICATION: August 26, 2010
PRICE: Paperback $19.95, eBook $14.95
ISBN Paperback: 978-1-61699-032-9 (1-61699-032-5)
eBook: 978-1-61699-033-6 (1-61699-033-3)
LOC#: 2010934248