Become a THiNKaha Author: Have Us Ghostwrite Your Book

…and lend credibility to yourself and your company, and establish yourself as thought leader in your industry

3THiNKaha books are easy short reads that allow you to share the most important thoughts and information on a certain topic.

THiNKaha is a leader in timely, cutting-edge books and mobile applications from leading experts that provide valuable information in a fun, Twitter-brief format for a fast-paced world.

The THiNKaha book series is for thinking adults who lack the time or desire to read long books, but want to improve themselves with knowledge of the most up-to-date subjects.

5Many people don’t have the time to read a large book with lots of text—that’s why THiNKaha books are so popular. Each book consists of 140 quotations and bits of wisdom from authors who are experts in their particular field, and each quotation (“aha”) is 140 characters or less so you can easily share these ahas with others via Twitter. Readers are able to learn and gain insights in just a short period of time.

Although we call them books, THiNKaha volumes are more like contextual learning experiences that can be absorbed by readers, cover to cover, within 20 minutes. And since tweets are one of the most popular ways to communicate digitally, these books are a way to keep up with our technologically-advanced world.

THiNKaha books are available in paperback and eBook format, and are part of our own AHAthat. You can use them as giveaways to up-sell your products or to add to an existing package. We’d love to see you give away 100,000 AHAthat versions of your contextual learning experience!

If you want to produce a series of books from your evangelist/bloggers but don’t have the time to write it, we can manage the writing/ghostwriting process. Books are one of the best tools your firm can use to create thought leadership and drive lead generation. Most books take 18-24 months to bring to the market, where THiNKaha books take only 4-6 weeks! Yes, just 4-6 weeks.

Join the influential and growing THiNKaha author tribe and extend your network in mutually beneficial ways.

Publishing a THiNKaha book can help you:

  • Become a thought leader within your firm.
  • Educate your employees, colleagues, prospects, and/or customers on a particular topic that is relevant to your field.
  • THiNKaha books deliver the same impact that “traditional” books do.

Have Us Ghostwrite Your Book

Ghostwriting is a way for you to get a book written, without the hassle of putting all of your ideas together by yourself. You give us the content, and we put your THiNKaha book together for you.

There are several ways to collect your content and ideas:

  • Gather information as a compendium from an existing (or upcoming) book (we did this for Marshall Goldsmith when we created #MOJO tweet: 140 Bite-Sized Ideas on How to Get and Keep Your Mojo from his bestselling book MOJO.
  • Crowdsource content from your colleagues, clients, prospects, employees, or experts in your field.
  • Gather information from blog posts/blogs written about the topic.
  • Gather information from speeches given with clever insights.
  • Gather information from other written material.
  • Conduct one-on-one interviews.

THiNKaha Elite Package: $7,500

With our THiNKaha Elite package…

  • You receive one month of unlimited AHAthat distribution. (unlimited monthly distribution is priced at $7,500/month.)
  • Yes, for only $7,500, you can establish both thought leadership and generate lead candy that will bring you business. How can you afford to ignore this opportunity?

Contact us at or visit this page to submit your six-questions book proposal to us.