140 Bite-Sized Ideas on How to Get and Keep Your Mojo.
by Marshall Goldsmith
Mojo happens the moment we do something that’s purposeful, powerful, and positive, and the rest of the world recognizes it. ‘#MOJOtweet’ by New York Times best-selling author Marshall Goldsmith reveals how we can create Mojo in our lives, maintain it, and recapture it when we need it.
In this book, you will explore the vital ingredients for building Mojo–identity, achievement, reputation, and acceptance–and realize the five qualities necessary to do an activity well–motivation, knowledge, ability, confidence, and authenticity. In 140 bite-sized insights (ahas), Goldsmith teaches readers how to discover and nurture these elements within ourselves and how to use them as building blocks for creating our own personal Mojo, the result of which is happiness, reward, meaning, learning, and gratitude.
One of the key insights in the book says, “The only person who can define meaning and happiness for you is YOU!” This book will make you think, this book will make you act, this book can help you cultivate better Mojo and become a better YOU. Goldmsith says that “our general tendency is to continue to do what we are already doing,” but the paradox is that “this might not be sufficient for getting and keeping Mojo.” So, do something different–something powerful, something purposeful, something positive–and get and keep ‘#MOJOtweet’ today. Read more in his new book, ‘MOJO: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back if You Lose It.’
Listen to the THiNKaha teleseminar with NY Times Best Selling Author Marshall Goldsmith talking about #MOJOtweet.
‘#MOJOtweet’ is part of the THiNKaha series whose 100-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).
Read about the AHAthat
Virtual Book Tour Information
from Key Business Partners
- The first stop is right here at Key Business Partners!
- Liz Strauss of Successful Blog
- Deanna Troupe at Learn Small Business blog
- George Angus offers his review of #Mojotweet at his TumblemooseBlog
- Phil Gerbyshak share his thoughts at his Make it Great blog
- Linda C Smith gives her book review at her blog
- Carolyn Howard-Johnson displays a book review on The New Book Review
- Cathy Stucker at Selling Books.com shares her interview with Marshall Goldsmith about #Mojotweet and writing.
- Claudia Meydrech shares her review of #MOJOTweet on her blog,Ebooksandbookreviews.com
- Big Blend Radio had Dr. Goldsmith as their guest on their showChampagne Sundays to talk about #MOJOtweet.
- You can also read an excerpt from #MojoTweet at BookBuzzr.
- Listen to Dr. Goldsmith share his views and insights about#MOJOtweet with a webinar conducted by Mitchell Levy, founder of Happy About, Inc.
Sample Tweets from the Book
#1 Neither misery nor emptiness is a desirable option for most human beings!
#7 Mojo is the moment when you do something that’s purposeful, powerful, and positive, and the rest of the world recognizes it.
#32 By understanding the impact and interaction of identity, achievement, reputation, and acceptance, you can begin to alter your own Mojo.
#78 To change your Mojo, you may need to either create a new identity for yourself or rediscover an identity that you have lost.
#105 You don’t have to like them, agree with them, or even respect them. Just accept them for being who they are.