MOJO happens the moment we do something that’s purposeful, powerful, and positive, and the rest of the world recognizes it. This book is about that moment – and how we can create it in our lives, maintain it, and recapture it when we need it. One of the key ahas in the book is, “The only person who can de?ne meaning and happiness for you is YOU!” This book is filled with 140 of such insights. This book will make you think, this book will make you act, this book can help you cultivate better Mojo and become a better YOU. Affiliate LinkThe affiliate link for #MOJO tweet Book01 is: IMPORTANT: Please replace the XXXXXX’s in this code with your affiliate ID in order to receive credit. Be sure to test your links after implementation. This link should forward your customers to For the images below, please right click with your mouse and download the image. Marshall Goldsmith, AuthorBook Art |