Managing Your IT Infrastructure In The Age Of Complexity
by Peter Spielvogel, Jon Haworth,
and Sonja Hickey
IT infrastructure is a dynamic, evolving entity. As complexity increases and cloud and virtualized environments become mainstream, IT personnel must build flexibility into their monitoring approach, and be willing to keep their eyes on the ball 24/7. Today, IT needs a management methodology that focuses on integrating business services to the underlying, and frequently changing, IT infrastructure.
Within such a fluid environment, IT managers and directors can no longer expect to continue on an isolated track, monitoring disparate silos independently. Although their prior knowledge of existing IT processes remains valuable, they must be willing to make changes in their approach and response to new situations. Novel best practices have to be embraced. Risk must be mitigated by drawing from and building upon other people’s experiences. To put it into perspective, it does not take a single, major leap to manage a virtualized or cloud-based IT environment. Well-planned and incremental steps can take IT personnel there with minimal cost, effort and turbulence.
Although much has been written and published about new best practices in IT infrastructure management, very little of the writing is immediately actionable, or easy to assimilate into an existing workflow. Which is where #IT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT tweet Book01 steps in, to fill a long-standing need.
As the leaders of Product Marketing for the HP Software Operations Center, authors Peter Spielvogel, Jon Haworth, and Sonja Hickey are eminently qualified to articulate their vision for IT architecture management going forward. In #IT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT tweet Book01, they reflect on the role that a strong team, robust processes, leading edge technology including automation technology, and embedded automated operations play within his vision.
Today, virtualization and cloud computing are bringing about great change but, as Peter and his team explain, neither is a panacea. Virtualization can come at a great price if inefficient management practices erode savings on hardware, power, and cooling. Cloud computing requires companies to manage, among other things, the availability and performance of the services they purchase from their cloud vendor. IT best practices must be prepared to meet these new challenges, with a clear understanding of the accompanying constraints.
Written by three industry experts with decades of IT experience under their belts, and presented in the digestible, actionable tweet format, this book certainly deserves a spot on every IT manager’s bookshelf.
#IT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT tweet Book01 is part of the THiNKaha series whose 112-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).

Read about the AHAthat

Here are some of the well-thought-out quotes/tweets you will find in this book:
#11 Measure the return on investment for any new IT Operations tools or initiatives you implement.
#29 Cross-train and rotate team leaders into new domains or projects. This keeps them fresh, brings new ideas, and generates cross-pollination.
#94 Detect application availability and performance issues proactively. Fix them before your customer’s experience degrades.
#101 Correlating events across the virtual/physical boundary is diffi cult. Use an integrated solution to speed troubleshooting and cut MTTR.
#139 Have a clear vision of your goal, but implement in manageable, measurable, incremental steps.