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#HEALTH REFORM tweet Book01

Paperback: 978-1-61699-038-1 (1-61699-038-4)
eBook: 978-1-61699-039-8 (1-61699-039-2)

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Table of Contents

Section I: Health Reform
Section II: Basics of Health Insurance
Section III: Wellness
Section IV: Consumer-Driven Healthcare
Section V: Cost-Saving Tips
Section VI: Tax Tips
Section VII: Useful Tools


Jason T. Andrew‘s #HEALTHCARE REFORM tweet Book01 helps you make sense of healthcare reform and its impact on your small business. You will learn to select the right insurance plan for your business – one that can cut costs while enhancing employee productivity and wellness. You will find tips for lowering out-of-pocket healthcare costs and structuring coverage to maximize tax savings. Jason also consolidates for you online resources that provide insights, tips, analysis tools or information on transparency, so that you are empowered to make decisions that work for your small business. This book is a valuable reference that should find a place in every small business owner’s library.


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140 Tips to Save Money on Health Insurance and Healthcare

by Jason T. Andrew

Even in the best of economic times, the small business owner finds it challenging to survey the health insurance landscape and select an insurance plan that works for him or her. Today, there are additional complexities, including a turbulent economy and the labyrinth of healthcare reform. How does the small business owner make sense of healthcare reform, understand its consequences for his or her own enterprise, and find an insurance plan that makes economic sense?

Fortunately, help is at hand in the form of Jason T. Andrew‘s concise volume, #HEALTHCARE REFORM tweet Book01. An acknowledged expert on consumer-driven healthcare and the Founding Partner of Stone Meadow Benefits, Jason condenses his experience and wisdom in this slim and handy volume.

In the increasingly popular tweet format, Jason brings you an understanding of healthcare reform and how it will impact you. He educates you into selecting the right insurance plan for your business –- a plan that can cut costs while implementing wellness, so that you actually increase revenue per employee. He provides tips for lowering out-of-pocket healthcare costs and structuring coverage to maximize tax savings. And finally, he surveys the health insurance landscape from his unique vantage point to consolidate online resources that provide valid insights, tips, analysis tools or information on transparency, so that you are empowered to make the choices and decisions that work for your business.

As a widely-acclaimed speaker on consumer-driven healthcare, Jason has shared his knowledge and perspective at professional and business forums across the San Francisco Bay Area. Now, his expertise can be brought home to you. #HEALTHCARE REFORM tweet Book01 is a valuable reference that should find a place in every small business owner’s library.

This book is part of the THINKaha series whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).


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About the Authors
Jason T. Andrew
Jason T. Andrew

Jason T. Andrew, Founding Partner of Stone Meadow Benefits and an acknowledged expert on consumer-driven healthcare, regularly speaks at Bay Area professional and business forums on the impact of healthcare reform and how to navigate the new healthcare environment. He works with large public entities, individuals, and small businesses to develop alternative strategies and progressive solutions that reduce the cost of healthcare, while enhancing employee wellness and productivity.

Previously, as Managing Producer for Lawson-Hanks Insurance Associates, Jason specialized in programs for nonprofits, startups, and public sector clients. He negotiated, designed and implemented benefit plans for over 30 public entities and union clients, and created a health insurance pool that enabled over 16 safety bargaining units to reduce costs by moving away from CalPERS, the nation’s third largest insurance broker. A self-confessed geek who loves the outdoors, Jason also serves on the Board of Directors of the Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters.