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#DREAMtweet Book01:
Inspirational Nuggets of Wisdom from a Rock and Roll Guru to Help You Live Your Dreams

Paperback: 978-1-61699-020-6 (1-61699-020-1)
eBook: 978-1-61699-021-3 (1-61699-021-X)

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#DREAMtweet Book01 
Table of Contents

Section I: Dream on Rockers! 
Section II: You Gotta Believe in Something, So Believe in Your Dream! 
Section III: Love is Always the Answer 
Section IV: Everybody Needs Passion and Inspiration! 
Section V: It’s Just Your Imagination and Creativity 
Section VI: Boys AND Girls Wanna Have Fun! 
Section VII: Living as a Dream Weaver


#DREAMtweet Book01 
Table of Contents

Almost every organization today is experiencing a cultural transformation and a shift to working with cultures around the globe. This requires corporate leaders to understand and apply best practices and expert guidance to crossing cultures and working globally. Author Melissa Lamsoncollates her keen understanding and grip of cross cultural issues and communication in her newest book,#CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION tweet. The book compiles cutting-edge advice from Melissa and from other equally talented global business leaders skilled in cultural communication, agility and change management. If you lead cultural transformation in your company or have ever been called upon to steer a team through a change process, then this book is necessary, and maybe even vital, to your success.


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#DREAMtweet Book01

Inspirational Nuggets of Wisdom from a Rock and Roll Guru to Help You Live Your Dreams.

by Joe Heuer

What’s your life’s dream? Are you doing what you love and having fun doing it? Your dream is your birthright and you deserve to live the life you’ve always wanted. Don’t be content going through life as an opening act when you can be a rock star!

Rock and Roll Guru Joe Heuer is a living example of living a dream. Living your dream, he says, is possible, if you apply all the rock-and-roll mojo you can muster to believing in it and incorporating love, passion, inspiration, imagination, creativity, and fun to the process of achieving it. In his visionary book ‘DREAMtweet Book01,’ Heuer provides 140 rock-and-roll-infused, tweet-sized ideas that you can employ right now to begin living your dream.

Based on his own life philosophies and the realization of his own dream as the Rock and Roll Guru, Heuer invites you to observe your own beliefs and consider whether they are moving you toward your dream. He encourages you to renew your passion, to bathe your dream in love and pursue it with intuition and abandon, to use your creativity to remove any challenges of attaining it, and to dance with pure joy to every beat of your own drum.

‘#DREAMtweet Book01‘ will inspire you to take action on your wildest dreams today! You will learn how to develop a vivid and compelling vision of your dream, while creating the foundation for pursuing it. You’ll master the art of employing imagination to obliterate roadblocks as you invite a ton of fun into your exhilarating journey. Heuer inspires confidence and courage to live the life you’ve always wanted. Let this stimulating and compelling book be your guide as you turn your dreams into play.

#DREAMtweet Book01‘ is part of the THiNKaha series whose 100-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).


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Sample Tweets from the Book

#3 Be specific in creating your dream. Clarity provides tremendous power.

#25 Belief is one of the main ingredients that distinguish the people who achieve their dreams from those who do not.

#82 Challenges are to be expected when pursuing your dream. Consider them an alarm clock attached to your creativity.

#105 Living your dream is not complicated. In fact, it’s actually pretty simple: 1. Decide. 2. Do.

#140 When you are living your dream, there is no need to keep score because you already know you’re winning.


About the Authors
Roger C. ParkerJoe Heuer

Joe Heuer, is known worldwide as the Rock and Roll Guru (http://RockandRollGuru.com ). An entertaining speaker, author, and full-time rocker, he shares the nuggets of wisdom he has gleaned from Rock & Roll with professional audiences throughout this third rock from the sun.

He believes that in addition to being a groovy musical genre, rock and roll is a way of life that has served as his constant companion and inspiration. Joe has lived numerous dreams, including a stint as the youngest collegiate head basketball coach in the country… who never played the game.

He has written several books, some of which have actually been published. Recent titles include ‘The NEW Idiot-Proof Guide to Customer Loyalty’ and ‘The Rock and Roll Guide to Patient Loyalty.’ He also has several rock and roll books in the works.

His wife calls him an idiot savant for his uncanny recall of obscure rock and roll lyrics and trivia.
