#DIVERSITYtweet Book01
Embracing the Growing Diversity in Our World.
by Deepika Bajaj
‘#DIVERSITYtweet Book01’ is a must read for people who interact with diverse cultures, languages and the world at large. With the current globalization and technological advancements, we are seeing an exponential growth in diversity in our world. People are transcending cultures and geographies and are embracing diversity in their experiences and interactions with others. Most importantly, this book is a thought provoking resource for managers and those who work with a diverse group of people, be it in the workforce, community projects, team building assignments, social gatherings, or business meetings. Organizations need to know how to manage diversity to be successful in the future, and in today’s competitive age, the flexibility and creativity augmented by diversity is crucial for success.
By the end of 2010, Twitter will have roughly 18 million registered users. What does this have to do with diversity and inclusion? The momentum has begun. The content is being developed in 140 characters; and identities are being created, new interpretations of diversity are being developed – with it we are observing new breakthroughs and breakdowns for Diversity. There is a paradigm shift – Diversity is the NEW NORMAL. The book intends to create a bridge between a fresh and growing medium of expression and diversity and inclusion efforts. The message of diversity now transcends into thoughtful TWEETS and empowers the individual, an organization and its workforce. The big question is – Are you open to capitalizing on this momentum?
‘#DIVERSITYtweet Book01‘ is part of the THiNKaha series whose 100-page books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).

Read about the AHAthat

Book Endorsements
“‘#DIVERSITYtweet Book01’ from @invincibelle takes the complex issue of diversity and reduces it to thought-provoking tweets.”
Dr. Rohini Anand, Senior Vice President & Global Chief Diversity Offi cer, Sodexo
“‘#DIVERSITYtweet Book01’ truly opened my eyes by adding this powerful medium to get our Diversity message out. Deepika truly hit a homerun on this one.”
Captain Ken Barrett, Diversity Director, U.S. Navy
“‘#DIVERSITYtweet Book01’ is fi lled with an abundance of quotable Tweets that I will use in my future writings.”
Dr. Rita S. Boags, Principal Consultant, Leadership Technologies, LLC
“‘#DIVERSITYtweet Book01’ gently reminds us to tweet and make the world a tweetbit smaller.”
Tracy Ann Curtis, APAC Inclusion & Diversity, Cisco
“‘#DIVERSITYtweet Book01’ is a buff et of wonderful, smart, funny, and thought-provoking tweets— every day you can fi nd something diff erent and delicious.”
Rosalyn Taylor O’Neale, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Offi cer, Campbell Soup Company
“‘#DIVERSITYtweet Book01’ is a compilation that will allow you to leverage competitive and progressive global ideas one tweet at a time.”
Aida Sabo, Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion at Cardinal Health

- Guest post at Successful Blog on Social Media Book List
- Interview with Ajay host of Technology Today on Voice America
- I nterview with host Wayne Hurlbert of Blog Business World at Blog Talk Radio
- Guest Panel Discussion about Blogging and Social Media on Successful Blog
- Book Review given by Wayne Hurlbert
- Guest post article with Women in eCommerce at WECAI.org calledSocial Media Catch 22
- #DIVERSITYtweet reviewed by George Angus
- Guest post article at WE Magazine for Women titled Diversity in Recession
- Marie Pijanowski, host of The Power Connection interviewed Deepika