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Table of Contents

Section I: Characteristics of Successful Titles
Section II: Examples and Best Practices
Section III: Combining Title Techniques
Section IV: Leverage Your Title’s Initial Success into Future Success
Section V: 20 Quick & Easy Title Template Ideas
Section VI: Steps to Title Success
Section VII:Research Tips
Section VIII: Survey Tips
Section IX: Conclusion–A World of Caution
Section X: Resources


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#BOOKTITLE tweet Book01

140 Bite-Sized Ideas for Compelling Article, Book, and Event Titles

by Roger C. Parker

Never underestimate the power of a book title! Titles spell the difference between messages that are read and absorbed, and those that go unnoticed.

#BOOKTITLE tweet stimulates a new way of thinking about titles and outlines a process for choosing perfect titles and subject lines.

Concise and to the point, this book helps business professionals reap maximum value for the time and money they invest in creating and distributing their message. Its tested process for effective title selection is invaluable for business professionals who know that writing can build their brand and position them as thought leaders. If you are an author, an entrepreneur, or an information marketer, you will find that this gem of a book sparks your creativity and provides new directions for effective writing.

#BOOKTITLE tweet gets you to rethink the importance of titles and see the central value of the title in all your written projects. It demonstrates the importance of market research and early feedback in title selection. By focusing on the power of a title, it gives you a head start on a broad range of writing projects and helps you to examine them in the context of the needs and interests of your readers.

Roger C. Parker is a “32 Million Dollar Author,” book coach, and online writing resource. His 38 books have sold 1.6 million copies in 35 languages around the world. In this book he shows you how to take a fresh look at titles and re-examine their effectiveness. The hundreds of examples he provides will inspire you to recognize good titles when you see them, and apply their lessons to your own projects. #BOOKTITLE tweet coaches you to welcome writing projects, and optimize your written communication to maximize the value of your time, your money, and your brand.

#BOOKTITLE tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).

Read the book review in The Book Designer, practicle advice to help build better books.


Read about the AHAthat


Sample Tweets

#7 Numbers add credibility to your title’s promise, e.g., ‘1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die.’

#21 Combine a promise title with a subtitle that provides more information, e.g., ‘Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die.’

#74 Use familiar words, then explain, e.g.,‘Looking Good in Print: A Guide to Basic Design for Desktop Publishing.’

#89 Use the same tone, e.g.,‘Skinny Bitch in the Kitch: Kick-Ass Recipes for Hungry Girls Who Want to Stop Cooking Crap (and Start Looking Hot!).’

#122 Study headlines on magazine covers. Book titles, like magazine headlines, must grab readers’ attention and engage their interest.


About the Author


Roger C. Parker
Roger C. Parker


Roger C. Parker, is a “32 Million Dollar Author,” book coach, and online writing resource. His 38 books have sold 1.6 million copies in 35 languages around the world. About his ‘Looking Good in Print’ the New York Times said, “…the one to buy when you’re buying only one!”

Roger has interviewed hundreds of successfully branded authors. He distils his experience in this book and shares what he learns at Published & Profitable, and on his Writing Tips blog.