#AFTER COLLEGE tweet Book01
Dealing with Life after College
by Matthew Chow and Jonathan Chu
Foreword by Michael S. Malone
After the ivory tower existence of college comes the hard reality of “real life.” Although the economy is steadily curving upwards, many college graduates still have to face the reality that their efforts over the past four years may not readily result in the payoff of a lucrative job. To put it bluntly, many new graduates today find themselves newly unemployed For those that fall under this category, who are walking out into the real world for the first time, help in the form of a realistic and supportive guidebook is at hand. #AFTER COLLEGE tweet provides pointers for moving forward in just such a situation. It shows recent graduates how to reconcile the reality of their situations with the promise of the jobs they expected after attending four-year universities. Written by college graduates who are trying to find their place in the world themselves, the book clearly demonstrates a firm grasp on the truths of life after college and what must be done to preserve balance in a time of uncertainty. As the authors point out, a fundamental difference between college life and life after college is that the latter is devoid of a straight, well-laid-out path. One has to find one’s own way. Money is often a constraint, especially if there are substantial student loans to repay. Extensive job searching can be hard on the mind and self-esteem. Many rules that applied in college no longer hold. Maintaining a balance in this new environment is not easy. Most importantly, young college graduates out in the workplace are seen as adults, and not cushioned as they were in college. The authors are keenly aware that an important part of adulthood after graduation is being able to find pride and self-confidence as well as an understanding of self. With empathy, perspective, and a sense of humor, the authors of #AFTER COLLEGE tweet help young adults sail through this challenging period of their lives. #AFTER COLLEGE tweet is part of the THiNKaha series whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas). Want a branded edition of #AFTER COLLEGE tweet Book01 for your company?

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“The things that Matthew and Jonathan say are universal to new graduates. I particularly think the section with the questions is great! It gets you thinking about the direction that you are taking, so that you can really consider what you want to do with your life.”
– Christine Ruff, Co-author, #ENTRY LEVEL tweet Book02: Relevant Advice for Students and New Graduates in the Day of Social Media
“Reading this book, I found that the ‘aha’ moments of the authors weren’t so different than many professionals have faced over these last, very difficult years. What was once almost a certainty (get a good education and you’ll have a stable life) is no longer the case. But that case has not only been vividly described by Matt and Jon; by sharing their valuable insights and lessons learned, they are helping to clear a new path for those right on their heels…and even for those who might be older but need to rethink what they once believed to be true. Freshly graduated or not, multiple periods have become the expectation of many. These ‘kids’ have learned some hard lessons, but have articulated bits of wisdom that will inspire all of us.”
– Lori Ruff, CEO, Integrated Alliances, Author, Forbes Top 20 Social Media Power Influencer
“#AFTER COLLEGE tweet should be required reading for everyone BEFORE they graduate from college. This book includes actionable tips that students can start implementing before graduation day to get a head start on their job search.”
– Barbara Safani, President, Career Solvers