#THOUGHT LEADERSHIP tweet – References

References used in #THOUGHT LEADERSHIP tweet Book01: 140 Prompts for Designing and Executing an Effective Thought Leadership Campaign by Liz Alexander, PhD, and Craig Badings

  1. Joel Kurtzman, Thought Leaders: Insights on the Future of Business (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1998).
  2. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989).
  3. Start with Why, http://www.startwithwhy.com.
  4. Simon Sinek, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (New York: Portfolio, 2009).
  5. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, “Act Bigger than You Are,” Harvard Business Review (blog), July 17, 2012 (8:08 a.m.), http://bit.ly/Act_Bigger http://blogs.hbr.org/kanter/2012/07/act-bigger-than-you-are.html.
  6. Craig Badings, “Your content will die if you don’t shift your paradigm,” Thought Leadership (blog), December 6, 2011, http://tinyurl.com/8uvs56p http://www.thoughtleadershipstrategy.net/2011/12/your-content-will-die-if-you-don%E2%80%99t-shift-your-paradigm/.
  7. Erica Klein, http://www.thoughtleadershipwriter.com/.
  8. “Search results for ‘thought leadership,'” Marketing Savant, http://bit.ly/thought_leadership http://www.marketingsavant.com/?s=thought+leadership.
  9. Erica Levy Klein, “10 Point Quiz: Is Your Company Ready to Generate New Revenue From a Thought Leadership Program?” ThoughtLeadershipWriter.com, http://www.thoughtleadershipwriter.com/Quiz.aspx#quiz.
  10. Bernard Marr, What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?” Advanced Performance Institute, http://bit.ly/Key_Performance_Indicator http://www.ap-institute.com/Key%20Performance%20Indicators.html.
  11. Ibid.
  12. The Bloom Group, http://www.bloomgroup.com/.
  13. “Content Curation Can Inform, Engage Customers,” eMarketer,” June 4, 2012, http://bit.ly/Content_Curation_Article http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1009091.
  14. Eric Wittlake, “Three Reasons Content Curation Is Overrated,” B2B Digital Marketing (blog), June 11, 2012, http://bit.ly/Content_Curation_Overrated http://b2bdigital.net/2012/06/11/three-reasons-content-curation-is-overrated/.
  15. Brent Gleeson, “Thought Leadership ‘Links’ to SEO: Gain Powerful Natural Links Through Respect & Reputation,” Executive Street (Vistage.com blog), July 17, 2012, http://bit.ly/Thought_Leadership_Links/ http://blog.vistage.com/marketing/thought-leadership-links-to-seo-gain-powerful-natural-links-through-respect-reputation/.
  16. “Black swan theory,” Wikipedia, last modified August 12, 2012 (12:08), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_swan_theory.
  17. Marketing Savant, http://www.marketingsavant.com/.
  18. “Our Insights,” Mobile Matters, http://www.mobile-matters.com/our-insights.
  19. “Blue Dart and DHL are Living Corporate Responsibility in India” (press release), Blue Dart Express Limited, February 20, 2012, http://www.bluedart.com/press184.html.
  20. “Creating high impact thought leadership,” Sourceforconsulting.com, http://bit.ly/creating_thought_leadership http://www.sourceforconsulting.com/bespoke_research/creating_high_impact_thought_leadership.html.
  21. Britton Manasco, “Illuminating the Future: How Thought Leaders Become Market Leaders,” Britton Manasco, http://www.brittonmanasco.com/.
  22. “RSA Animate – The Power of Networks,” RSA, http://comment.rsablogs.org.uk/videos/.
  23. “Issue Two – 2012,” Sinclair Knight Merz, http://bit.ly/Achieve_magazine http://www.globalskm.com/Knowledge-and-Insights/Achieve-Magazine/.
  24. Fiona Czerniawska, “Thought leadership in the age of mass-customisation,” The Source Blog, May 14, 2012, http://bit.ly/Thought_Leadership_blog http://www.sourceforconsulting.com/blog/2012/05/14/thought-leadership-in-the-age-of-mass-customisation/.
  25. Dave Gardner, “Are you as intentional as an artist?” Business Execution Insights (blog), July 16, 2012, http://businessexecution.wordpress.com/2012/07/16/.
  26. Craig Badings, Brand Stand: Seven Steps to Thought Leadership (Cooper Plains, Qld.: Book Pal, 2009).
  27. Dr. Liz Alexander, http://drlizalexander.com/.
  28. Naveen Jain, “Rethinking the Concept of ‘Outliers’: Why Non-Experts are Better at Disruptive Innovation,” Singularity University (Forbes.com blog), July 12, 2012 (5:05 a.m.), http://bit.ly/Forbes_Article_Rethinking http://www.forbes.com/sites/singularity/2012/07/12/rethinking-the-concept-of-outliers-why-non-experts-are-better-at-disruptive-innovation/.
  29. “White Space,” Source Information Services Ltd, http://bit.ly/AboutWhiteSpace http://www.sourceforconsulting.com/online_resources/white_space.html.
  30. “Thought Leadership Marketing That Attracts Prospects To Your Thinking…And Your Funnel” (DemandGen report), Blip, http://bit.ly/thought_leadership_marketing http://blip.tv/dgr/thought-leadership-marketing-that-attracts-prospects-to-your-thinking-and-your-funnel-6201776.
  31. Britton Manasco, “Illuminating the Future: How Thought Leaders Become Market Leaders,” Britton Manasco, http://www.brittonmanasco.com/.
  32. “Dr. Mignon van Halderen,” Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
  33. “Matt Church – Million Dollar Expert Program, Matt Church, http://bit.ly/million-dollar-expert-program http://www.mattchurch.com/million-dollar-expert-program/.
  34. “Thought Leadership – Thought Leadership case studies,” Thought Leadership (blog), http://bit.ly/thought_leadership_case_studies http://www.thoughtleadershipstrategy.net/category/thought-leadership-case-studies/.
  35. David Meerman Scott, Newsjacking: How to Inject Your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2011).
  36. Marte Semb Aasmundsen, “Thought Leadership Thesis 2012,” Leading Thoughts (blog), August 16, 2012 (1:26 p.m.), http://bit.ly/Thought_Leadership_Thesis http://leading-thoughts.blogspot.no/2012/08/the-dust-has-settled-tl-thesis-2012.html.
  37. “Content Curation Can Inform, Engage Customers,” eMarketer,” June 4, 2012, http://bit.ly/Content_Curation_Article http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1009091.
  38. Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia, Surpassing Ourselves: An Inquiry into the Nature and Implications of Expertise (Chicago: Open Court, 1993).
  39. Frans Johansson, The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures (Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 2004).
  40. Craig Badings, Brand Stand: Seven Steps to Thought Leadership (Cooper Plains, Qld.: Book Pal, 2009).