Thought Leadership Interviews
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What Do We Do?
Our Thought Leadership Interviews service creates instant content for yourself, your brand, and your organization. THiNKaha will produce a show in which we facilitate an interview with an advocate or future advocate on the challenges they face and potential solutions that exist. For customer advocate interviewees, the host will gently bring out your product and service benefits.
The show will be sponsored by your organization. From that, a YouTube episode, podcast, blog post, and a set of potential Ahas* will be created and available for you to market and share with others.
* After 4-5 episodes, we will create an Aha Amplifier book to allow your advocates to amplify your messages:
What Are the Benefits?
✓ Creates content to be used elsewhere on marketing and social media channels.
✓ Becomes a door opener for sales when future advocates are invited onto the show.
✓ Positions your organization and key employees as thought leaders.
✓ Acts as public case studies when customer advocates are being interviewed.
❑ Stand-alone show: $3,500
❑ One per month: $2,500/show
❑ One per week (recommended): $1,500 show
Please contact Jenilee Maniti at or (408) 257-3000.
Check out our blueprint and past episodes of Thought Leader Life to see the quality and quantity of content created: