Social WE Media



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Table of Contents

Section I: Social Media Is a WE Conversation
Section II: You and Your Coworkers Are Your Brand
Section III: Multisensory, Multimedia
Section IV: Online Reputation Management
Section V: Social Media Tips
Section VI: You and Your Team
Section VII: Content Creation


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Social WE Media

Link Locally, Connect Globally

by Carly Alyssa Thorne, Fred McMurray

Carly Alyssa Thorne and Fred McMurray on Social WE Media is all about the WE. We explore Social WE Media and what that means. We discuss why you and your
coworkers are your brand, the multisensory, the use of multimedia, online reputation management, content creation, and more.

We believe that social media means social, hence requiring a two-way conversation and relationship which becomes the WE.

We also advocate that people connect and support with their local communities as well as reach out to the vast world globally. With the advancements in technology with Skype, Google Hangouts, etc., there is no reason not to expand yourself and your business by connecting with people from around the world. Our motto is Link Locally – Connect Globally

Carly Alyssa Thorne and Fred McMurray on Social WE Media is your go-to resource for tips and tools on social media and social media marketing. It covers topics from online reputation management to content creation. Take the step today to learn and discover all about what it takes to manage you and your brand. Remember to link locally and connect globally.

Social WE Media is part of the THiNKaha series, whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out AhaMessages. Increase your influence by picking up the Aha Amplifier to easily share Social WE Media’s quotes on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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About the Author


Carly Alyssa Thorne
Carly Alyssa Thorne


Carly Alyssa Thorne is a speaker, author, consultant, producer, and director on Conscious Business Collaborations, specializing in multisensory, multimedia, and the mind-body-business-spirit interconnectedness.

Carly also has an extension background in metaphysics and health, having owned and consulted on several healing centers. Carly went onto to study and become a Reiki Master Instructor and Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor and studied extensively nutrition, aromatherapy, flower essences, herbs, overall health, fitness, and anything she could get her hands on that tied back to the multisensory human beings she believes we are.

Carly has worked with individuals, families, and companies on comprehensive health programs as well as led numerous retreats. Carly believes we are all multisensory, multidimensional beings that are all interconnected.

To find out more about Carly Alyssa Thorne, visit


Fred McMurray
Fred McMurray


Fred McMurray, Inc Magazine Social Influencer 2013-16, Integrated Marketer, Speaker, Radio host, Digital Noise Reduction Professional.

Fred McMurray is the CEO of Mediavine Marketing which is headquartered in San Luis-Obispo, where they simplify social media marketing for successful businesses and professionals through training, consulting, and management. They minimize your efforts and maximize your results with appropriate marketing channels.

In addition to Mediavine, Fred McMurray is also the CTO and cofounder of the Linked Local Network (LLN). LLN is a networking organization for professionals who utilize social media to promote their businesses and accomplish their outcomes.

One of Fred’s most valuable skills is being a “people connector.” Fred enjoys helping people make beneficial connections and uses his insight and business acumen he has developed over the years to form many successful partnerships, for clients, others, and himself. Fred’s mantra is Link Locally – Connect Globally