Wouldn’t it be great if you had social media under control? This 6-step mini-course will:
- – Help you understand why you need to get social media under control.
- – Show you how you can get social media under control.
- – Help you build your followers while only spending 5 minutes a day.

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Mitchell Levy is the CEO and Thought Leader Architect at THiNKaha and Chief Aha Instigator at the Aha Amplifier. He and his team make it easy for corporations to easily create compelling content that help turn their experts into recognized thought leaders. Mitchell is an Amazon bestselling author with forty three business books, contributor at Entrepreneur Magazine, has provided strategic consulting to over one hundred companies, has advised over five hundred CEOs on critical business issues through the CEO networking groups he’s run, and has been chairman of the board of a NASDAQ-listed company.
Social Media in 5 Minutes a Day
In this mini-course, Chief Aha Instigator Mitchell Levy shares an easy 6-step process that you can deploy quickly.
With less than 30 minutes of video, there are step-by-step instructions of what you need to do and a mind-set
and approach you can use for years.
The Mini-Course everyone is Raving About

“Social Media in Five Minutes a Day? You bet! That’s how I got started and what I still do for myself today. You’ve got to get out there yet still maintain your pace. Mitchell Levy shows you how… and he’s right! I recommend this for all 60,000 ALPFA members!”
Lori Ruff – Chief Branding Officer, ALPFA and CEO Worlds #7 Social Media Power Influencer

“Having a professional and updated social presence these days is crucial to your career in most verticals. If you don’t have one, at best you risk looking out of touch, and at worst, you risk looking unprofessional. However, it can be difficult to know where to start in building a social presence as well as really daunting to find the time to keep it up. Mitchell Levy’s guide is the perfect blueprint for creating and sustaining a professional online presence in a manageable block of time. Highly recommended!”
Michele Rempel – Managing Partner, Mediavine Marketing

“Every one of my clients needs to be good at social media and if they are having trouble; I highly recommend that they need spend the 30 minutes on this course as a start to getting better and get the social media attention that they want for themselves and their businesses to thrive and grow.”
Miriam Slozberg – PR and Social Media Consultant

“We all have too much to do and too little time to do it especially when it comes to social media. Finally, Mitchell Levy provides a brilliant step-by-step and super-easy to follow plan for investing only 5 minutes per day to get the maximum benefit with your social media campaigns with a minimum of effort. If you’re serious about getting the biggest bang for your social media time investments buy and implement Mitchell’s simple 7 step plan today – before you waste another minute needlessly!”
Daniel Hall – Author, Speaker, Consultant

“Building your businesses credibility through social media is on every business owners mind today. Do it yourself or hire someone else? "Social Media in Just 5 Minutes a Day" gives you all the tools you need to develop your own program in a very economical way! You can also hire someone, but you do need to do part of this yourself and this is the best course I've seen on this topic!”
Paula Chiocchi – President and CEO, Outward Media, Inc.

“A professional online presence is crucial to your career, but it can be difficult to know where to start building it. Mitchell Levy’s “Social Media in Just 5 Minutes a Day” is a great course for those who are developing a professional online presence but don’t have a lot of time or resources. I give it 5 stars.”