The Reshoring Institute on Bringing Manufacturing Back to America


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eBook: 978-1-61699-176-0 (1-61699-176-3)

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Table of Contents

Section I: Why Reshore Now
Section II: Cost Considerations
Section III: Leaving a Foreign Facility
Section IV: Local Manufacturing
Section V: Suppliers
Section VI: Training and Skills
Section VII: Conclusion


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The Reshoring Institute on Bringing Manufacturing Back to America

The Urgent Need to Reshore Now

by Rosemary Coates, Alex Levy

Reshoring manufacturing is a hot topic for executives across America. Bringing back manufacturing can help rebuild our industrial foundation and stabilize the economy by rebuilding the middle class. A recent study indicates that fifty-four percent of American businesses with over $1 billion in sales are Reshoring now or considering it.

Americans are now looking for products with a “Made in the USA” label. There is a perception that products made in the US are higher quality and last longer. Buyer behavior has shifted from simply trying to find the cheapest item, to finding the best value. There is a healthy respect for items made in America.

Companies are also seeing the benefits of local manufacturing. Building products locally reduces logistics and import costs, as well as allows for better control over quality and production changes. World-class companies now build products to address local preferences in local markets. This is a true evolution in global manufacturing strategy and tactics.

There is a great deal of buzz on all these topics related to Reshoring. Want a quick read that will help you think about the issues? The Reshoring Institute’s Bring Manufacturing Back to America includes 140 bite-sized ideas for Reshoring discussions. This book will inspire new ideas and approaches for you to increase or start manufacturing in America. It will help you and your team with thought starters, quotes, and brainstorming.

Assembled by the Reshoring experts at the Reshoring Institute, this is a collection of smart quotes and short sentences for use in all of your Reshoring work.

The Reshoring Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organized under the University of San Diego, dedicated to teaching students about American manufacturing and helping companies decide to bring manufacturing back. All proceeds from this book go directly toward supporting the Institute.

The Reshoring Institute on Bringing Manufacturing Back to America is part of the THiNKaha series, whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out AhaMessages. Increase your influence by picking up the Aha Amplifier to easily share Veda Foods’ quotes on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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About the Author


Rosemary Coates
Rosemary Coates


Rosemary Coates is the Executive Director of the Reshoring Institute, a 501c3 non-profit organization under the umbrella of the University of San Diego Supply Chain Management Institute ( She is also the President of Blue Silk Consulting, a Global Supply Chain consultancy ( Ms. Coates is an Amazon bestselling author with five books: The Reshoring Guidebook, 42 Rules for Sourcing and Manufacturing in China, 42 Rules for Superior Field Service, Negotiation Blueprinting for Buyers, and Legal Blacksmith – How to Avoid and Defend Supply Chain Disputes. She earned an MBA from University of San Diego and a BS in Business Logistics from Arizona State University. Ms. Coates has been a management consultant for twenty-five years, with an impressive list of over eighty global supply chain clients. She serves on the Board of Directors of the University of San Diego Supply Chain Management Institute and teaches Global Supply Chain Strategy at UC Berkeley. Ms. Coates is passionate about bringing manufacturing back to America.



Alex Levy
Alex Levy


Alex Levy is a Director at the Reshoring Institute. She assists in the development and design of research graphics for published materials. She also manages the sponsor relationships for companies working with the Institute including coordinating events, marketing and sponsored research. She earned a Bachelor of Public Administration from Russell Sage College. She believes that for a better future we need to help America rebuild its manufacturing foundation.
