A presentation is much more than a set of bulleted slides. It is an opportunity for you to communicate your message, persuade your audience and get the action you require as a response. Communication expert Wayne Turmel painstakingly gathered the wisdom of technical managers at engineering giant Cisco, where hundreds of presentations are made every day. In #PRESENTATION tweet Book01, he brings you the best of the best. From how to speak to engineers, to presenting webcasts that keep your audience attentive, you’ll get practical, solid advice from people who sell, persuade and teach successfully every single day. If your work requires you to present effectively in a business situation, this handy little volume contains actionable knowledge to ensure that your next presentation gets you the results you want. Affiliate LinkThe affiliate link for #PRESENTATIOn tweet Book01 is: https://www.thinkaha.com/presentation-tweet-book01/ IMPORTANT: Please replace the XXXXXX’s in this code with your affiliate ID in order to receive credit. Be sure to test your links after implementation. This link should forward your customers to https://www.thinkaha.com/presentation-tweet-book01/ For the images below, please right click with your mouse and download the image. Wayne Turmel, AuthorBook Art |