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In today’s turbulent economy, career transition services help displaced employees understand the business reasons for tough corporate decisions. By keeping them focused on their own future, it keeps morale high and shifts attention away from ills like expensive lawsuits. Strategic and compassionate career transition services are part of today’s corporate environment.

In #SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet Book04: Career Transition Training and Services That Work in Today’s Environment, career transition expert Barbara Safani works with Mitchell Levy to show you how to make the career transition journey a little bit easier. This actionable volume will help you and your organization manage a difficult downsizing process smoothly, while preserving your company’s reputation and treating displaced employees with dignity and respect.



#4 “Career transition” describes eff orts made by a downsizing company to help former employees through the transition to new jobs.

#35 Emotions run high following a company downsizing. Once the initial shock wears off , a normal reaction to the news is anger.

#75 Plan for the person to clear out their desk while their co-workers are not around, but give them the opportunity to say goodbye.

#114 Explore options for retraining employees for roles in growing business units.

#135 Encourage employees to create or update their LinkedIn profi les and join company alumni groups.


tweet Book 04 Table of Contents

Section I: What Is Career Transition, Who Uses It, and What Are the Benefits?
Section II: How Can Career Transition Help Newly Displaced Employees?
Section III: How to Notify Employees of Downsizing
Section IV: How to Manage Your Layoff Survivors
Section V: Alternatives to Downsizing
Section VI: What Services Do Career Transition Firms Offer?
Section VII: Coaching the Downsized Employee


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Career Transition Training and Services That Work in Today’s Environment

by Barbara Safani and Mitchell Levy

In our modern, often volatile economy, we can no longer expect permanent or long term employment with any one employer. Today’s worker has, on average, multiple jobs and even multiple careers. Layoffs, terminations, and pink slips are so universal that they are now euphemistically called downsizing or rightsizing. But whatever the label, the process is no easier to deal with–not for the employee whose services are being terminated nor for the organization and executives who initiate the termination.

Fortunately, there is a silver lining to all this turbulence, and that is that the concept of career transition is here to stay. Career transition is the process by which the terminating organization assists terminated employees with making the transition and often helps in the search for new employment. While the benefits to the employee are apparent, what is less clear are the benefits to the company effecting the downsizing. Career transition helps displaced employees understand the business reasons for tough corporate decisions. By keeping such displaced, often disgruntled, employees focused on their own future, it shifts attention away from personal negatives like depression and greater ills like expensive lawsuits. Strategic and compassionate career transition services have therefore become part of today’s corporate environment.

In #SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet Book04: Career Transition Training and Services That Work in Today’s Environment career transition expert Barbara Safanicollaborates with Amazon best-selling author Mitchell Levyto show you how to make the career transition journey a little bit easier. A worthy read for any mid- or senior-level executive who is faced either directly or indirectly with the prospect of downsizing, this little volume packs a punch well above its weight. It will help you and your organization manage a difficult downsizing process smoothly, while preserving your company’s reputation and treating displaced employees with dignity and respect.

#SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet Book04: Career Transition Training and Services That Work in Today’s Environment is part of the THiNKaha series whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).


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“This book is a must read for anyone in Human Resources as well as Management in understanding the importance of providing career transition and support to employees who will be downsized. These are important concepts—not only in order to support the departing employees but to ensure that the remaining employees know how much your company is doing to support their colleagues in these diffi cult situations. Additionally, as the economy and job markets continue to rapidly change, providing this support to ensure that departing employees are equipped with the skills required to navigate the job search process is crucial. This is an excellent source!”

Ariel Boverman, Board Member, Human Resources Association of New York

“I know Barbara Safani’s expertise and solutions work because I have been successfully referring her to my Fortune 100 executive coaching clients for years. The results are always stellar. This new book is another example of her laser-like, practical, and easily implemented advice. I plan to use it and recommend it often. It is written for the way we work and read now, especially in the face of transition.”

Angela Love, President, Daymark Group

“Barbara has captured the key aspects of managing a reduction in force in a user-friendly format that can be easily understood and quickly absorbed by both HR professionals and line managers. If you have the unfortunate need to manage a RIF, pick up this book.”

Brian McComak, Vice President, Human Resources, Christie’s

“Chockfull of clear, concise, and powerful information about the value and” importance of career transition services, this 15-minute read transcends HR-speak, giving HR professionals the information they need to gain buy-in for this important benefi t. Easily digestible and compelling, this book will make you better able to articulate the benefi ts of career transition services. In today’s short-attention-span learning and working environment, #SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet Book04: Career Transition Training and Services That Work in Today’s Environment is a unique and eff ective tool.”

Jennifer Patterson, SPHR, Director, Human Resources, FOJP Service Corporation

“Barbara continues to impress me with her ability to demonstrate that she is a master of how to manage a downsizing. She provides employers with practical tools to make the process manageable and compassionately provides tips for employees in transition to new careers in a clear and concise manner. “This book is great and absolutely worth the read for Human Resource professionals who want to support employees’ career transition and maintain the reputation of their organization.”

Stephanie A. Strozak, SPHR

“#SUCCESSFUL CORPORATE LEARNING tweet Book04: Career Transition Training and Services That Work in Today’s Environment is an excellent how-to guide for CEOs, managers, and HR professionals for handling downsizing with compassion and integrity. It provides pertinent information on the benefi ts of career transition services and useful tips for managing staff who survive the layoff . An important reference for any business!”

Andrea D. Trent, SPHR, Consultant, HRBizPartner

About the Authors

Barbara Safani

Barbara Safani

Barbara Safani owns Career Solvers, which partners with Fortune 1000 companies and individuals to deliver career transition programs focusing on resume development, job search strategies, networking, interviewing, salary negotiation skills, and online identity management. A career expert for CNN.com, CareerBuilder, and AOL Jobs, Barbara has been quoted extensively in major media outlets, including CBS, ABC, FOX, The New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalThe Washington Post’The LA TimesFortune MagazineSmart Money MagazineMoney MagazineOprah Magazine, andCosmopolitan. She is the author of Happy About My Resume#JOBSEARCH tweet, and Winning Negotiation Strategies for Your New Job.

Mitchell Levy

Mitchell Levy

Mitchell Levy is author of a dozen business books and is CEO of Happy About, whose business units focus on physical and ebook publishing (over 175 titles published to date) and corporate training. He has created over 70 physical courses at Silicon Valley universities, numerous online courses, and focused on the successful content delivery of over 500 speakers at large-scale conferences. Mitchell sits on the board of directors of Rainmaker Systems (NASDAQ: RMKR) a leading global provider of B2B e-commerce solutions.
