Press Release

Kickstarter to Fund a Marketing Automation Tool to Schedule Inspiration


CUPERTINO, CA – August 16, 2016 – AHAthat™ is an amazing marketing platform that helps you expand your influence by increasing quality moments in two ways: 1) there are over 30,000 AHAmessages (quotes) that you can share for free at the push of a button on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn; 2) you can write an AHAbook (a social media enabled eBook in 2-10 hours or as Joel Comm did it, in 20 minutes).

What if you were like most business people today? Too busy. Even if you had the content to share at your fingertips, you don’t have the time to find and share the content you want to share on a regular basis?

This kickstarter will solve that problem. It will allow anyone to schedule an entire AHAbook (140 quotes) in 1-2 minutes in a new tool called the AHAblaster. You can schedule one a day, two a day, three a day or for those that want to blast everything in a week, 28 times per day! With the AHAblaster, you setup the schedule and it will share for 5 days, a month, a quarter, or even two quarters. Yes, in just 1 minute you can schedule 2 quarters of content! Then you focus on the important thing: Interacting with those that touch your content. You can learn more about this campaign here:

Mitchell Levy, Chief Instigator of AHAs at AHAthat is very excited about this campaign and he said, “Become a thought leader and ‘own’ a topic in just five minutes with our AHAblaster! AHAthat is about sharing, authoring and promoting quality content. It’s having the time to engage with your audience. Real Leadership.

About AHAthat™:

AHAthat makes is easy to SHARE, AUTHOR & PROMOTE you. As the first AHAleadership (Thought Leadership) platform on the market, it allows you to 1) Easily build your brand by sharing others’ quotes with proper attribution and 2) Show your expertise by creating your book in 8-10 hours and having others share your quotes.

There are over 30k quotes from recognized AHAleaders that you can share in seconds for free. All content on the platform is curated by THiNKaha which has published over 800 physical and eBooks.

About THiNKaha®:

THiNKaha makes it easy to create compelling content that helps turn corporate experts into recognized thought leaders. THiNKaha services include: Curation for the Aha Amplifier, Thought Leadership Mentoring/Coaching, Book Publishing, Social Media, Traditional Media Coaching, Vetted Referrals, Producing and Repurposing Content for Shows like Thought Leader Life, and many other Thought Leadership Services, including the Creation and Support of Corporations’ Thought Leadership Blueprints.

To have us help your corporation amplify its thought leadership, please contact Jenilee Maniti at or call (408) 257-3000.