Press Release

Build Strong Interpersonal and Business Connections with Rhonda Sher’s
“Converting Connections to Ca$h & Relationships to Revenue”

Unleash the power of connections, connections that count


CUPERTINO, CA – October 11, 2018 – Connections begin when there's conversation. With the technology we have now, it's easy to connect with people in so many ways. It could also be a distraction, especially if you want to have real and genuine connections. Because everything is connected, believe that there's always a person on the other side who is willing to listen and share their precious time. Your sphere of influence also grows when you expand your network through personal communication.

A hardcover, paperback, and Kindle version of this book is available on Amazon. You can download the Kindle version of this book for FREE today until October 15th! Grab your copy now:

In business, a connection built on friendship lasts longer. Someone who shows integrity gets applauded, and this creates more connections through word of mouth and referrals. Learn how to expand your network to expand business opportunities.

Rhonda Sher is a published author, keynote speaker, and business development consultant specializing in LinkedIn training, consulting, profile makeovers, and business networking. Rhonda brings a wealth of practical, real-life expertise and presence into every consulting, coaching, and speaking relationship.

Having over 20 years of experience in an array of industries, including law, insurance, direct sales, and training, Rhonda’s philosophy is that you cannot teach what you have not practiced and learned firsthand, and her mission is to make a positive difference in the success of small business owners, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and those who run non-profit organizations.

Go out of your comfort zone and step forward with Rhonda Sher's new AHAbook, "Converting Connections to Ca$h & Relationships to Revenue." This book outlines ways to convert quality connections to cash and relationships to revenue. If you are a professional looking to learn more about how to reach out, engage, and build lasting relationships, then this book is perfect for you.

“Opportunity is limitless. The universe has so much to offer, and random acts of kindness can go a long way. Quality connection is what makes us a person and undeniably builds business success,” says Mitchell Levy @happyabout, The AHA Guy Thought Leader at AHAthat™ (

Here are a few powerful ways to make real connections that you can share from this book:

  • The highest compliment somebody can give you from a connection is a referral. Referrals can only be earned when you have a strong connection.

  • Everyone wants to be the five-star choice of their clients. When the people you refer do well, your perception goes up to five stars because of the halo effect: Their good service and your referral make you shine.

  • Many of us try to silence the pain of disconnection by being over-busy, overeating, spending too much time on social media, or anything that alters our mood. Making meaningful connections means being intentional and in the moment.

  • When you meet somebody for the first time, put the focus on them. Ask questions to learn what's important to them and how you can be a resource. That's how a connection can begin.

  • Business connections are built on relationships based on "know, like, and trust." Remember, people want to work with those they feel a connection to.

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